Monday, 23 August 2021

The flapping of a butterfly's wings in India may cause flooding in the Amazon River

23 AUG 2019

This sentence came in a very beautiful book which is (Chaos Theory and Irrationalism) by the American writer and science journalist Mr. James Glick
There is an urgent need today to teach such literature, research and studies in the various educational houses, whether in schools and universities, and to display them extensively today in cultural centers, as it must be included as a general culture of societies The environment today does not belong to a single group, society or country in the world. Phenomena such as forest burning, global warming, damage resulting from fuel combustion, ozone hole, damage resulting from the use of plastic materials, damage resulting from the use of petrochemicals and inorganic manufactured materials....etc. Which led to climate change, the death of many types of fish, water shortage, severe food shortage, and the emergence of many diseases, both in water, most notably malaria, or the emergence of diseases in meat or desertification in different environments...etc.
The sentence with which I titled this text, and by delving into its depth, we will find that the world, with its land, water and sky, is one body and in a relative way, any damage to a part of this body, the repercussions do not come on the organ only, but on all other organs, and exactly like the body, there are diseases that affect quickly affects the body, and there are diseases that take the form of permanent in the body and affect the long-term,

“At the beginning of my career as an environmental activist, I thought I was defending rubber trees, then I started to believe I was defending the Amazon, and I ended up convinced that I was defending humanity,” said the late Brazilian environmental activist, lawyer and politician Mr. Chico Mendes Mr. Mendes left our world at the end of the eighties in defense of environmental issues, where his important work led to his quest to form the Earth Summit that was held in Brazil in the early nineties
Do not think that environmental issues are a disease or a disaster waiting to happen, but rather it is like a battery that we keep using until it runs out. With the practices of humanity, we seek to implement it faster than we imagine, although we have the tools, conditions and the will to charge nature instead of consuming it. Nature remains silent and gives us indications of its mark, but when a disaster occurs, it is so insane that it is so profoundly destructive,

Forest fires are not new. There are vivid examples such as forest fires in Israel, forest fires in India and East Asia, fires that broke out in the European continent, and sustainable fires in the United States of America, most notably and most recently, the Florida fires. Forest fires have many causes, where the causes are divided into two groups:
The first is natural and includes thunder strikes that give off the first spark, as well as the sparkle that results from rolling stones, spontaneous ignition and volcanic eruptions.
The second is the fires caused by humans directly or indirectly through deliberate fire. Cigarettes thrown in nature are neglected fire without the control of the spark resulting from a cut electric wire and cutting large areas of trees, and the abandoned wood between the plant accelerates the fire and helps its growth
It should be noted that these reasons differ according to regions because they are related to the nature of the land, the type of soil and the general climatic situation in this part of the world.

The first group of causes are natural and we can avoid them, and they do not affect the environment badly, as the causes have existed since the origin of the earth, but the second group resulting from the actions and behaviors of human beings is the one that seeks unrivaledly to eliminate the environment and this is the result of human greed at all levels and it is a precursor of matchless ignorance,

Today, the lungs of the world, as the Amazon forests are called, are subjected to rotten human domination. Please note that the Amazon region constitutes 20% of the world’s oxygen and contains 20% of the world’s fresh water, which constitutes 40% of the world’s forests Statements of the right-wing Brazilian President The extremist Mr. Giar Polisarano today about these fires when he said that there are special parties working on these fires and even reduce the results of these fires and their number The exit of Brazilian President Polisrano, accompanied by US President Donald Trump, from the Paris Agreement on global warming that leads to climate change indicates that dictatorships and populist regimes will be an obstacle, but rather a harbinger of the imminent death of nature, the world and humanity In fact, the regime of President Polisrano and Venezuelan President Maduro, who supports the cultivation of cannabis and narcotics in forest areas and transforming them into industrial zones for petrochemicals, nuclear materials and weapons, is a dangerous influence.

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