Monday 2 September 2024

The future of the German political map!

Continuing the failure of the German Communist Left Party project, Sahra Wagenknecht emerges as a failed image to support fascism!
For many years, the policy of the "clinically dead" German Left Party has been based on:
First: Demanding #Germany's 🇩🇪 withdrawal from NATO
Second: Seeking to distance Germany from Western liberal capitalist policy
Third: Their persistent attempt to sever the link between Berlin and Washington
Historically, this party's members are a socialist-communist group that emerged during the Cold War (and they are very few in Germany). Since the unification of Germany, the numbers of this party have been decreasing, and they have even become an isolated group within the German parliament, the Bundestag
In the years between 2014 and now, the party was a dead mouthpiece defending the dictator #Putin. They even led campaigns within their isolated groups to demonize #Ukraine 🇺🇦 and blame the rise in energy prices in Germany on German support for Ukrainians. But not only did they fail, they became even more isolated to the point that the party’s numbers in all German states barely reach 2%
Since the 2017 elections, the party has barely gotten the 5% of votes required to win parliamentary seats, and in the last elections in 2021, they got 4.9% and had to form an alliance with independent members in order to win parliamentary seats
The Left Party has become clinically dead, and therefore severe criticism of the party leader, Sahra Wagenknecht, has emerged, which forced her to establish a new totalitarian party at the beginning of this year, specifically on January 8, 2024, which she named (Sahra Wagenknecht Gathering), and the name alone indicates the depth of the psychopathy of this expired politician
Sahra had stated that she founded her new party, which bears her name, in order to confront the “radical right-wing” Alternative for Germany party, even though her new party and the radical right-wing party hold the same ideas, with a difference in ideology, as the first is radical left-wing and the second is right-wing and fanatical!
It is clear that her party has failed to achieve its declared goal even before it began its work, as Sahara's party did not reduce the size of the Alternative for Germany party, but only increased the extremist spectrum in the map of the seven German parties!
It is true that the Alternative for Germany party holds the same aspirations as the Left Party and Sahra Wagenknecht's party, with a slight difference in detail: the Alternative Party wants independence from #Russia 🇷🇺 and its allies by establishing limited interest-based relations and reducing dependence on NATO and the West in general, in a return to the same orientations of the deranged nationalist identities
The two parties attack the basic republican consensus in Germany and want to transform the German republican system to bring it closer to authoritarian regimes
Wagenknecht has become a resentment machine that helps legitimize the AfD's discourse and so Wagenknecht cannot be classified as a bulwark against the AfD
With the weak character of the German government coalition, Germany's largest and oldest party, the Christian Democratic Union, must now take the initiative and restore the German identity that has wavered since the 2021 elections.

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