Monday 9 September 2024

Chancellor Merkel's silence is as sad as it is reflective of what I call the dark side of Merkel's political personality!

Three years ago, former Chancellor Angela Merkel left in what appeared to be a voluntary but not as voluntary manner
Merkel left many thorny and pending files that were not completed - in a timely manner - for the government that followed her fourth government
The current Chancellor's government had to deal with the consequences of work that Mrs Merkel did not do in a timely manner and of files that she did not do at least badly
Today, the German voter feels miserable amid the failure of the current traffic light coalition government, and this has to do with the policies of the former Chancellor over the 16 years of her rule, but Angela Merkel preferred to remain silent!
The former chancellor always said: "We can do what is necessary and right."
Merkel's words portrayed her as courageous, determined and strong-willed, but she lacked the things she had always said
It can be said that the only constant during Mrs. Merkel's rule was the desire to maintain power by showing sympathy with the will of the voters, meaning that she was considering a project to win the elections without relying on the country's sustainable necessities and needs
One of the most disturbing things is her week-long silence on Russia’s barbaric invasion of Ukraine. Although former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder at least had the courage to defend his unsavory relationship with dictator Putin, Merkel took a long time explaining herself. Just ten months after the war began, she displayed a touch of self-criticism in the newspaper Die Zeit, stating: “My government should have reacted more quickly to Russia’s repeated aggression.”
Everyone knows that Islamist-motivated terrorism like the one in Solingen a few days ago, the incitement against Jews and Muslims, the spread of the far-right Alternative for Germany narrative, the energy crisis, the misery of the current Scholz government - everything has to do with Angela Merkel's policy and in the end she met all of this with a very sad silence
Her complacency is also the reason behind her silence and not commenting on global political issues at all and with hesitation. Merkel condemned the October 7 massacre “in the strongest possible terms” and later also criticized the anti-Israel demonstrations 🇮🇱 in #Germany 🇩🇪. Since then, she has not spoken at all while German institutions are busy discussing the connection between the growing hatred of Jews in German society and the increase in immigration from Muslim-majority countries, a policy that Merkel herself has begun to implement
In this way, the former chancellor avoided becoming a target of criticism
Today, the Christian Democratic Union - Mrs. Merkel's party - finds itself completely removed from her policy, and the party also finds itself in a position of trust among voters because it is the most reliable party at present, being the only party with a centrist ideology
As Merkel sits in her small room writing her autobiography, I would not be surprised if Merkel would defend and praise her decisions on the euro, her policy on dealing with the dictator Putin, her refugee policy, her nuclear energy policy, down to the smallest details, as if there was no alternative to these policies because Merkel is not without vanity.

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Das Schweigen von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel ist ebenso traurig wie es ein Spiegelbild dessen ist, was ich die dunkle Seite von Merkels politischer Persönlichkeit nenne!

Vor drei Jahren verließ die ehemalige Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel scheinbar freiwillig, aber nicht ganz so freiwillig Merkel hinterließ de...